Happy June!
Congratulations, James Beard Award winners
And James Beard Award nominees.
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2023.
And hey, to my husband, who’s celebrating his birthday today.
June offers plenty of reasons to celebrate. But sometimes it’s hard to feel like partying. We live in strange and stressful times. That’s why anything happy, no matter how small, should be noted, and if you’ve got in you, celebrated. It doesn’t have to involve an award or a cake (although it can). It can be something simple like finding a prime parking spot on a crowded street or enjoying a harvest from your backyard garden (those green and red guys are Datil peppers, very hot and very rare)
Speaking of hot and rare, there’s you. Maybe you don’t appreciate what a bright light you are. But I do. You’re always a reason to celebrate. When’s the last time you did? Well, time’s a-wasting. Any time you pause and acknowledge an accomplishment, a victory, you get a hit of dopamine, a happy-making neurotransmitter.
As Julia Child said, a party without a cake is just a meeting. But maybe enjoy some fluffy sprouts, beans both soulful and snackable, and vibrant greens before dessert. Eating more produce reduces your risk of depression. Just saying.
June 8 World Ocean Day
June 17 Eat Your Vegetables Day
I did not make this one up. But believe me, I’m all for it.
June 18 Father’s Day.
Here’s to all the dads out there. You lift us up.
June 19 Juneteenth
June 21 Summer solstice, once known as the pagan holiday of Litha. This is your day to let your inner radiance shine forth.
I’ve been sending my monthly newsletter on the first day of the month for ages. Until now. Broccoli Rising free newsletters will now be coming to you on the first Monday of each month. Free is good. So please share the Broccoli Rising love.
Check out the last few issues of Broccoli Rising:
Getting That Thrill Without the Grill – Mango BBQ Sauce
Why I Crush on Spinach – Catalan Spinach
Little Sprouts, Big Support – Miami Summer Rolls
Look for more of my free virtual cooking classes through Miami Dade Public Library coming later this summer.
Big slobbering thank you to my growing gang of paid subscribers. Special events, interviews and interactive fun are in your future.
You can also visit SoulfulVegan.com to find more recipes and connect with me online at YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Substack Notes.