Broccoli Rising and Celebrating Women, Pie, Holi, and Miami Vegan
I’m going to get to women, pie and Holi, but first my gushing gratitude to you for cheering for me and my new cookbook Miami Vegan Plant-Based Recipes from the Tropics To Your Table . Enormous thanks to everyone who’s pre-ordered a copy, blurbed the book, promised to feature, or offered to host a Miami Vegan event. My social calendar is filling up with book launch parties and my heart is spilling over with gratitude. I want to feed you every Miami Vegan recipe, from creamy Caribbean curry savory Latin fave picadillo to sweet, flaky guava cream cheese pastries.
I want you to love the book. So does Phoebe. Make a dog happy. Pre-order your copy of Miami Vegan now and get 15% off with the special discount promo code MIAMIVEGANLOVE (offer valid through April 3).
Moving on (pant, pant), Friday is Pi Day, honoring the constant ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. From its mathematical origins, Pi Day has punnishly become a party for pastry lovers. Pie is round, too, so it’s also Pie Day, get it? What other holiday delights pie lovers and math lovers alike? Everybody wins.
Speaking of everyone winning, Friday is also Holi, India’s joyful rainbow bright party But there’s more to it than dusting people with neon colors. Holi celebrates the triumph of good over evil, and each color represents something
Red for love
Blue for serenity
Saffron for courage
Pink for playfulness
Yellow for Joy
Purple for serenity and wisdom
Green for hope
We can all do with lots more of the above, so fling those colors with intention.
Which brings me (somehow) to Women’s History Month, honoring the women who’ve paved the way for all of us. Miami’s great local indie Books and Books has a monthlong lineup of fabulous femmes, including the event I’m attending tonight, with Supreme Court Justice and Florida girl Ketanji Brown Jackson.
I started listing all the women like her who inspire me. It got to be a long list. We live in a very unsettled time in our history, and frankly, I don’t know how it’s all going to work out. But what I’ve learned from the women I so admire is the need to step up, speak out and work to create the peaceful, sustainable, hope-filled world we and our families deserve. And you’re invited, whatever your gender preference or identity. We have the power to be on the right side of history, united and rainbow bright.
Now let’s have some pie. Or actually, a tart, a single-crust pie, created especially for Pi Day. Paid subscribers will find the recipe below.
And here’s more savory pie recipes for everybody.
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